An up to date posting???

bridge Okay, I have internet, so here is a quick up to date post. Its been a few weeks since I actually wrote my last entry (posting has been late…). We have worked a couple of 6 and 7 day weeks since that time and have made a lot of progress on Argo. I will try to get some pictures up that are more relevant to this post next time. We removed the rig, lifted her from the water, offloaded most everything on board and de-rigged the masts. All of this was heavy lifting manual type labor and the weather has been oppressive. One day supposedly reached 43 C, thats 109 F! The thermometers inside the boat have been touching 100 F regularly. So the vacation has effectively ended… This has been hard work. We have accomplished most of the known big tasks. Marsun, the shipyard, will be doing most of the technical on board work like welding and painting from here on out. My understanding is that we will be helping keep the boat clean, and protecting parts of the boat that could be damaged during the refit. I am hoping it gets a bit easier from here on out. canal Outside of work,  I have mostly been eating and sleeping. There has been time for little more. I have ventured into street food, which has been safe, delicious, and cheap… so far. I also took last Sunday to visit the touristy section of town. Unfortunately, I forgot to wear long pants so I didn’t make it into the Palace or Temples. That is a silly rule in a town this hot! Next time. I explored some and found  lovely park though. I also checked out the main backpacker area. It didn’t really look like my crowd… Anyway, now that I have found this cafe, I might post more regularly but, that remains to be seen! Thanks for reading! wat   park

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